Discover your baby's natural potential

At Baby Parent Steps, you will experience the unique educational program PEKiP® that helps promote your baby’s skills through sensory stimulation. These age-appropriate activities benefit early brain and healthy body development and help babies achieve important milestones in the physical, emotional, cognitive and social areas during their first year. Brain development and intelligence emerge with activity in a baby’s life. Sensory-motor activities provided for babies through goal-oriented movements and playful interaction between parent and child are the heart of this program.

  • Established in Germany more than 40 years ago
  • 55,000 families attend the program per week
  • About 2,600 PEKiP® instructors are active in German-speaking countries across Europe
  • Offered by more than 1,800 institutions of parent and family education including all major charities in Germany
  • The PEKiP® association is a member of GAIMH (German-Speaking Association for Infant Mental Health), a daughter society of WAIMH (World Association for Infant Mental Health)


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PEKiP® is available at Baby Parent Steps in Arizona since 2015.


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